今天闲来无聊,便到网上找一些相关的资料。首先,我找到了方舟子对这个话题的解释:这些观点都是国际上的主流观点,不是我标新立异,也不是我自己提出来的观点。只不过它违反了我们中国人的生活经验,大家觉得不可思议。 关于经期过性生活,国外认为是无害的,国外性教育的教科书材料都有。调查统计显示,它并不增加妇科感染,虽然会增加性传统病的风险,那是因为有血,是两回事。我在微博上贴出美国亚利桑那大学性教育的传单,这个传单是发给学生的,上面写着经期性生活无害。能写到性教育传单,就说明在国外的医学界这就是一个常识性的东西,肯定是这样。国内很多医生都说“女性身体是非常脆弱的,在经期发生性行为,很可能造成感染,甚至导致性病”,他们只是一种推测。他们没有科学的依据,没有研究病学的调查统计,国外做过这种统计,根本没有感染风险。也许有人会得妇科感染,但那仅是碰巧刚好在经期有过性行为,都归罪于它,显然不行,必须有调查来证明在经期有性生活和无性生活的风险。
Can you have sex while on your period?
Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of misinformation circulating about women's menstrual cycles. We're past the days when we believed a menstruating woman would curdle milk with which she came into contact. Yet many still wonder whether menstrual blood isn't somehow "dirty." The belief that sex during a woman's period could be somehow dangerous or unhealthy has its origins in myths such as these.
The reality is that menstrual blood is nothing more than the remains of the uterine lining, shed after it's no longer needed. This lining builds up to prepare for the possible implanting of a fertilized egg. But if a woman doesn't become pregnant, then it's shed over the course of several days and a new lining begins to build.
Sex during menstruation doesn't pose any additional health risk to you or your partner. If either of you have a sexually transmittable infection, the blood can make it easier to transmit. However, there would always be a chance of transmission even if you weren't having your period. If this is at all a concern for you, you should be using a condom -- menstrual cycle or not!
Remember that just because you're having your period doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. Be sure to continue using birth control unless you are trying to become pregnant.
Of course, sex during a woman's period is a little messier. Many couples, however, take great pleasure in the extra lubrication and "earthiness" of it. About the only "precaution" you need to take is putting down a towel first if you are worried about staining the sheets (and maybe having a few moist towels laying around for use afterwards). But beyond that, and the caveat about infections such as HIV, there's no other reason to be concerned.
And many women find sex eases the cramps that sometimes come with menstruation. It seems to be the orgasms that do it: Studies have shown that many women report that an orgasm or two -- with or without intercourse -- works better than any drug in alleviating the cramps associated with their menstrual cycle. Of course, having sex also gives you a great distraction from the painful cramps!
So feel free to have all the sex you want during your period. In fact, if it helps your cramps, then you can even say, "Doctor's orders!"
以上,仅仅代表我个人的一点看法。希望抛砖引玉,各位狼友说下自己的看法。不要用砖拍我!无论有没有害老婆肯定不愿意,第一根深蒂固的思想,而且据说还有倒霉一说。第二就算垫了东西也难免弄得床单是血。床单不能要了,谁愿意啊。第三痛经的时候本身就没有欲望,更别说做爱了。真的假的,有点重口味帮帮顶顶!!沙发!沙发!路过,支持一下啦正在下载~谢谢啦真是 收益 匪浅相当不错,感谢无私分享精神!沙发!沙发!
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